A very special violin by Arnold Voigt (* 1864) that does not want to fit into the image of the Markneukirchen violins of that time. He was a student of Th. Heinrich Heberlein and after the journeyman years went to Schünemann in Hamburg and with him to London. There he built instruments, all of which were his own work and were also marketed under his name. In 1890, he set up his own business in Markneukirchen. His work was much appreciated.
The wild flame of the split maple back, which can also be found in the ribs, and the dark red lacquer on a yellow background give the instrument something unique and mystical. The sound of the violin is rather dark, but convinces even with professional demands and is an absolute soloist instrument.
Body: 35.3 cm
Neck scale: 13.0 cm
Body scale: 19.3 cm
Upper bar: 16.1 cm
Middle bar: 10.7 cm
Lower bar: 20.2 cm
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